I have created this form for you to use in contacting with questions or other issues related to the auctions I am running on the Internet. It is not required that you fill out the form completely, but you must supply us with your name and e-mail address if you wish to receive a reply. In order to use the form, just highlight and delete the current text, then replace it with the appropriate information. Thank you.
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You don't even have to sign up on a new auction server!! Just use this form to let me know what items your are intested in purchasing, and we can work out a deal!!
In an effort to streamline our e-mail forms, it has come to our attention that the new codes we use to strip html from the e-mail has prevented us from receiving any forms containing html or URLs at all. For the immediate future, please do include any html or URLs in these contact forms, use our members only e-mail address to send us that information. Thanks everyone!!